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Saturday 27 August 2011

Fuck You Interrupter Man

Fuck You Interrupter Man

I have no problem with that fact that you consider yourself interesting and important, I am of the same ilk, in that regard. I do however have an issue with the fact that you feel you have the god given, divine right to invade my conversation, in about as subtle a manner as the two planes which invaded two office blocks in America on 9/11, and leave the stench of your completely uncalled for, unwelcome, aural defecation lingering among MY vowels and consonants, like a filthy shit-stained toilet tissue loitering agonisingly close to the stain of the water line in a filthy seldom cleaned public toilet.

Put simply, interrupting is, much like poor spelling for those who’ve read my preceding rant, bad manners. Did your mother not teach you to wait your turn? Have you not worked out, during the many years that your self absorbed, impatient sack of skin, bones, and inappropriately timed verbal outbursts has inhabited this planet, that people don’t like to be spoken over, or interrupted mid flow? If I am saying something, sit and fucking listen. I’ve started a sentence, so I’d like to finish it, if YOU don’t mind.

By constantly hijacking my conversations, you haven’t positively altered my perception of you. I don’t think your more intelligent, I haven’t suddenly heard your bizarre interjection, and thought “Oh wow, that’s a good point”, and simultaneously made a mental note to pay more attention to you in the future. I did write a mental note; It says “You’re a cunt.”

Some things need to be said wholly; stated in full, elaborated on, and points made must be backed up and re-enforced. Had Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream”, been interrupted by a barely literate, ill-educated, buffoon with too much to say and too little constraint, it would have made it less memorable, less inspirational, and less historically important. If Hitler’s Reichstag Speech in December 1941 (his declaration of war against the US) had been interrupted, sidetracked, had the driving force of the announcement been deflected, our world might be a very different place. Luther Kings declaration was for good, Hitlers was evil – but the point remains, these are two speeches that changed the world that we live in, and they were delivered in their entirety, and completed without the interjection of fuckwits who don’t know when to stay silent.

If you were welcome in my conversation I would have invited you to it. Through body language or by spoken word I would have made clear your welcome, like a rich gentleman’s member is enveloped welcomingly, like a cold hand into a warm familiar glove, by an amorous, panty-less harridan’s garden of debauch. Alas, I am not a battered vagina, and you are not the penis of a rich man, so please, take a step back and remove your ridiculous insertion from my conversation, at you earliest convenience.

Sorry that you had to see Britneys vagina, it just fitted with the joke you know.

Come back soon. Mister Lean

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